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Check your subcontractor contracts for details of workers’ comp coverage


If you subcontract work, double-check the contract’s provisions on which party pays for workers’ compensation coverage. If you don’t, you may find your organization on the hook for injuries to the subcontractor’s employees …

Employees injured during horseplay at work may be entitled to workers’ comp benefits


Florida employers ordinarily don’t have to pay workers’ compensation benefits for employees who are hurt while engaging in horseplay. But that provision doesn’t provide much protection when workers’ comp judges split hairs over what’s technically off-duty horseplay and what’s just a momentary deviation from job duties

Using independent contractors? Check your workers’ comp policy for legal time bombs


If your organization routinely hires independent contractors, be aware that the language in your workers’ compensation insurance contracts could contain legal problems …

Employees’ ‘Injuries’ from Sexual Harassment May Make Them Eligible for Workers’ Comp Benefits


Just when you thought you knew every reason to keep your workplace harassment-free, here’s yet another one: workers’ compensation …

Rendell’s health care reform plan sparks tax risk


Pennsylvanians are more likely than the average American to go to the emergency room for treatment, a problem targeted by Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposed “Prescription for Pennsylvania” reform plan …

Hire ‘Casual’ Labor? Prepare to Pay for Injuries


Businesses that hire “casual” labor should be sure to check with their insurance carriers or attorneys to see if they may be liable for any injuries that occur while the casual laborer is employed …

No duty to warn employees of obvious dangers


In Texas, employers who don’t opt for inclusion in the workers’ comp system are responsible for their employees’ injuries if they fail to warn employees of hazards. But that duty doesn’t extend to obvious dangers …

New report offers ideas to provide health coverage to Texas’ uninsured


The Texas Health Institute recently released a report that provides several cost-effective policy solutions for providing insurance to the 5.6 million state residents who don’t carry health insurance …

State legislature examines health care options as well


Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst recently announced that the state legislature is looking for ways to amend Texas’ new business tax to enable more employers to provide health benefits for their employees …

Notify workers’ compensation carrier of potential claims as soon as possible


Many employment-based insurance policies, including workers’ compensation, require employers to notify their carriers of a potential claim “as soon as practicable.” Insurance companies have been known to refuse to defend a case if the policyholder doesn’t promptly report an accident or injury