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Report EEOC claims or lose insurance coverage


The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas has dismissed a lawsuit filed by an employer against its employment practices liability insurance company because the employer didn’t tell the insurer about an EEOC complaint right away …

A growing problem: Obese workers cost Texas employers $3 billion


In 2005, obesity cost Texas employers approximately $3.3 billion, including direct health care costs and related costs for employee absenteeism …

Can we make smokers pay higher premiums?


Q. I have to admit I am not a fan of smokers, but what really concerns me is the cost they are adding to our benefits programs. I don’t think it is fair to the nonsmokers that their costs should keep going up year after year when it’s likely smokers are fueling a part of that cost. Can I make smokers pay more in premiums?—S.S.

Quit or fired? That’s the question


Q. We had an employee who was not working out. We gave her the choice of resigning or being terminated. She chose to resign. We were happy because we understand that an employee who resigns is not entitled to unemployment compensation under Texas law? Are we right?—S.G.

Pregnant Employees: Answers to Your 20 Toughest Legal Questions

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ Not many years ago, pregnant women were subject to poor treatment from employers and company insurance plans as well. But the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA), enacted in 1978, prohibits discrimination on the basis of “pregnancy, childbirth and related medical conditions.” The PDA required most employers to make […]

Workers fail to give FMLA proof? Cut ‘Em loose


Q. One of our employees had been out sick for two months. We’ve received a doctor’s note that just says he’s unable to work and that a return date is undetermined. We faxed and mailed FMLA paperwork, but it hasn’t been returned. Meanwhile, the employee is receiving disability benefits through our short-term disability plan. How do we calculate the start of FMLA leave? From the date the disability payment began? And if we never get the FMLA paperwork back, can we terminate him? —T.B., Tennessee

Big Three Throw Their Weight Behind Value-Driven Health Care


Executives from Michigan’s Big Three automakers met with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Secretary Michael Leavitt in late January to sign HHS’s Value-Driven Health Care Initiative …

Benchmark your health benefits with other Michigan employers


Wondering how your health care benefits measure up against those of other Michigan employers? Find out by participating in McGraw Wentworth’s 2007 Mid-Market Group Benefits Survey

Should you pay employees to change unhealthy behaviors?


Cash is king when it comes to wellness incentives. Studies show that the almighty dollar is the best motivator for employee participation in wellness activities, followed closely by reductions in health insurance premiums …

How to encourage enrollment in your HSA program


Wal-Mart doubled its annual health savings account (HSA) contribution for employees who enroll in high-deductible health plans for 2007. The move might be one for other organizations to consider as they try to enroll employees into HSAs to achieve better health cost savings—for both employer and employee