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Prepare employees for benefits changes or lose their trust


As your organization shifts more responsibility to employees to manage their own health and retirement expenses, you risk alienating your work force. But it doesn’t have to be that way …

Cut health insurance costs by uncovering ineligible dependents


Employers are looking for ways to cut health care costs, which continue to rise each year. One of the easiest ways to trim that expensive bill: Make sure each employee’s dependents are actually eligible for coverage. Here’s how to conduct an eligibility audit.

Independent Contractor or Employee? How to Make The Call

White Paper published by The HR Specialist ______________________ For years, the IRS has relied on a 20-factor test to determine whether a worker is considered an “employee” or an “independent contractor.” Conferring contractor status on a worker often benefits the employer, who is then not obligated to withhold income tax or to pay Social Security […]

Settling strike by paying for missed work may cut unemployment tab


When it’s time to settle a strike, and that settlement includes paying for some of the time employees missed either because they were on the picket line or you laid them off, be aware of the language you use to describe the payment …

Suspicious of claimed injury? Examine records carefully for prior problems


Too often, employees who suffer a minor accident at work milk that injury for extended workers’ compensation benefits. That’s why it’s important to diligently pursue suspected false claims with your insurance carrier. That may involve alerting it to your suspicions and reviewing the employee’s medical records to see if what he or she is complaining about is really a preexisting condition and not the result of a more recent injury …

Smart strategies for surviving open enrollment

Open enrollment for health insurance benefits is an inevitable autumn ritual that can cause great stress for HR and for your employees. Smooth the process by planning now to implement these strategies.

Increase HSA enrollment by sweetening the plan


Enrollment in health savings accounts (HSAs) is flat, and employee satisfaction with the pretax, consumer-directed plans is low, reports the Kaiser Family Foundation. Yet more organizations are offering them because employees who do participate have been found to spend less on health care than others. Here are five ways your organization can boost employee enrollment and satisfaction in HSAs …

Ending employee ‘Lease’ agreement? Timing can save money


If you have signed up with a “professional employer organization” as a way to outsource your HR headaches but are thinking of ending the relationship, consider this: If you end the contract midyear, you may be liable for additional payments into the state unemployment insurance fund …

No unemployment compensation for co-Worker’s offensive comments


Employees who quit their jobs because they can’t get along with a co-worker usually aren’t entitled to unemployment compensation payments. But what if the difficult co-worker is actually making offensive and possibly discriminatory comments? …

Outside complaint can be misconduct, meaning no unemployment


Employees who break company rules can be fired for misconduct and aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation. But what if the “misconduct” involves taking a complaint outside the company? If your policy clearly states that complaints should be raised internally first, then you probably won’t have to pay unemployment for employees who are fired because they ignored your rule …