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Discharged for moonlighting? Former employee may not be eligible for unemployment

If you discharge an employee who has been moonlighting, and he or she continues to work on the side, the moonlighting income may make the former employee ineligible for unemployment compensation …

No joke: Al Franken agrees to pay workers’ comp fine

Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken has agreed to pay a $25,000 fine to the state of New York for failing to carry workers’ compensation for almost three years. The fine was levied in August 2006 after a web site supporting incumbent Republican Sen. Norm Coleman reported that Franken had not paid the insurance on his personal corporation …

Texas state unemployment tax to be partially suspended

Gov. Rick Perry announced on March 10 that the state’s unemployment insurance replenishment tax will be suspended for one year. As a result of the suspension, about 370,000 affected businesses should see a tax savings of approximately $90 million …

Asking to get fired in order to receive unemployment comp benefits

Q. An employee just told me he wants to resign, but he asked to be fired instead of resigning. He said it had to do with unemployment benefits. What is the significance? …

Do we wind up paying for unemployment comp benefits?

Q. I just received a notice from the state of Colorado seeking information about an employee who just left our company. The state is trying to determine whether she is eligible for unemployment benefits. If she is awarded unemployment benefits, will the company be charged for that amount? …

More new state laws to complicate life for employers

In 2007, New York lawmakers passed a record number of laws affecting employers, including new laws on independent contractors, inquiries into conviction records, leave for military spouses, leave of absence for blood donations and cancer screenings, and unemployment benefits …

Partner with marketing to create effective benefits messages

More than half of all organizations rely on employee newsletters, special mailings and other printed pieces to increase enrollment in benefits programs, says a new study from the benefits consulting firm Watson Wyatt. Those pieces might not be as effective as you think. What you really need to do is convince employees to make some changes in how they manage their own benefits …

Attract and keep young workers with ‘Portable’ benefits

Your organization’s youngest workers learned an important lesson about the workplace from their parents: You can’t count on keeping the same job for your whole career. If you want your talented Gen Y employees to stick around, you’re going to have to change the way you look at employee benefits. Here are three things they want that might surprise you …

Employees sit up and beg for pet lovers’ insurance

Most employers that offer health insurance to employees also let them buy additional coverage for family members. Perhaps it’s not so unusual then that some companies provide optional pet health insurance. After all, for many people, pets are part of the family, too …

Can we ask employee to use paid leave before receiving workers’ comp benefits

Q. Can an employee who is receiving workers’ compensation wage continuation benefits be required to use sick, vacation and personal leave time to cover days missed due to the work-related injury? …