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Tailor benefits messages to employees’ ages, circumstances

When it comes to effectively communicating benefits messages, one size does not fit all. Employees have different benefits needs at different stages of their lives. Make sure your print and web-based benefits communications efforts take those differences into account …

Lower health care costs with strategy to change behavior

Colleges and universities with the lowest health care costs also have the most productive employees, says a new survey by HR consulting firm Sibson. Here are five lessons all businesses can learn from healthy campuses …

San Fran employer health mandate draws fire

A San Francisco ordinance has come under fire for requiring most employers in the city to spend a minimum amount every three months on their employees’ health care. The Society for Human Resource Management and other employer groups are challenging the ordinance …

Carrots and sticks: 5 ways HIPAA limits wellness programs

Since it is clear that better health translates into lower health care costs, employers increasingly embrace the concept of financial incentives to persuade employees to make healthier lifestyle choices. Thus the rise of wellness programs—a great idea, but one that can run afoul of the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) …

AAM strike rocks GM operations across North America

A strike by workers at five American Axle and Manufacturing Holdings (AAM) plants in New York and Michigan led to temporary closures at more than a dozen General Motors plants in February and March …

Excessive absences justify firing—And bar unemployment compensation

Ohio employers can fire chronically absent or tardy employees without worrying that unemployment compensation will be the reward for missing work. That’s true as long as the absences weren’t covered by the FMLA or other leave laws …

Teach employees how to bargain-Shop for medicine

The cost of prescription drug coverage is growing even faster than spending on health care coverage. Don’t run the risk that your workers won’t fill needed prescriptions because they can’t afford to. They’ll stay healthier and save money if you teach them how to hunt for bargains on prescribed drugs, just as they do for clothes and groceries …

Bite down on dental plan costs by managing coverage

You’re already managing your organization’s ever-growing expenditures for medical and prescription drug coverage. Now it’s time to manage the cost of dental coverage. A new report from The Segal Co., an HR consulting firm, offers six ways your organization can curb spending on dental coverage …

Cutting back on health coverage?

A new web site by GlaxoSmithKline (www.CenterVBHM.com) allows employers to merge health and productivity data to determine which of their health benefits have the most value to the organization …

You smoke, you’re fired! Lessons from the Whirlpool Case

The dangers of smoking are well documented: heart disease and cancer, shorter life expectancy, higher health care expenses. Now add another risk: As workers in Indiana just found out, smoking could get you fired. Was their employer justified in taking action, or did it step into a legal quagmire?