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Welcome to HR Professionals Week: Monday, March 5


Welcome to HR Professionals Week, the third annual celebration of the people who make America’s workplaces productive, successful and fulfilling. Each day this week, we’ll send you a virtual gift basket of free skill-building training tools! Just click on the links to download!

Today’s free article:

Degrees of separation: 6 terminations, 6 ways to avoid lawsuits

Terminations are the spark to many employment lawsuits. And for each of the six kinds of firings, there are some common steps employers can take to defend themselves if a termination is challenged in court. Master these and you will cut down on HR headaches — and legal bills.

Today’s free podcast:

 Your Guide to Effective, Legal Performance Reviews

Used correctly, the performance review can be your single most effective tool to assess past work AND set future goals. Yet poor reviews will lead to rapid turnover … low morale … and potential legal trouble. This free podcast will explain how to improve your performance-review process – while avoiding the legal hazards that lurk in every review.

FREE webinar on Thursday!

Ask the Attorney Q&A

To mark HR Professionals Week, Nancy Delogu—employment attorney with Littler Mendelson and The HR Specialist’s own “Ask the Attorney” expert—will answer your HR legal questions for a full hour. This webinar is your chance to gain top-flight legal insights—and it’s expert advice at a bargain price. If you’re one of the first 100 people to register, you can participate in our “Ask the Attorney” webinar for only $49. (Once we hit 100 registrants, you can still participate at the regular $197 rate.)


Another resource to help your career:

The Employer’s Practical Legal Guide

Protect your company with the comprehensive and easy-to-understand instructions in The Employer’s Practical Legal Guide. Prepared by top employment attorneys – then translated into plain language for business people – this must-have manual has everything you need to know to stop trouble before it starts … and limit the damage from innocent mistakes. More than 80 checklists and self-audit questionnaires help you target your company’s weak spots and correct them quickly.